Virginia Beach Painting

Vacation Home Painting

Free Estimates

Please Call Us 252-207-3549 or contact us to set up your appointment time!!
We guarantee to follow up within 24 hours.

Diana’s Painting & Drywall
P.O. BOX 1322, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948

Your OBX vacation or rental home is an investment you want to protect. No matter the location—whether it’s a rental on the Northern Outer Banks or a second home in Hatteras Village—you take pride in your property and want it looking its very best.

Diana’s Painting and Drywall helps you safeguard your property and enhance its appearance and value so if you rent it or decide to sell, you can easily charge your asking price. However, holidays, rental bookings, or your frequent absence often pose an issue when it comes to having your home painted.


Diana’s Painting and Drywall is your professional painting company you can trust to do the job without your supervision.